DENVER – Each Fall, members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul gather from all over the country for fellowship, workshops and spiritual revival as they celebrate the work and mission of the Society. This year’s National Assembly in Denver included a rejuvenating spiritual retreat, sessions on a wide variety of formation and practical topics, including programming geared specifically toward youth and young adults. In addition, the host council offered a fun social “Wild West Fest” which featured food, fun and fellowship with cowboy-themed attire and activity!

SVdP North Texas Makes a Splash
SVdP North Texas was well represented at the National Assembly this year. “I definitely enjoyed one of the opening sessions [during which we were reminded that] we were working in unison to solve problems and we are blessed to be the hands and feet of God’s will,” said Sean Myers, SVdP’s board president.
Tim Williams gave a presentation on formation, the third in which he has participated as a presenter. “This is the fifth National Assembly I’ve attended…I’ve got a few more friends to catch up with every year, and I think I learn more standing in front a room as I learn sitting in the back. Every year this event is so rejuvenating, and I hope all Vincentians consider trying to attend one sometime!”
In addition, our executive director Mike Pazzaglini participated in the best practices poster session, in which he shared about the Mini Loan program with leadership from the Austin Council, too!

Looking Forward
Next year’s National Assembly will be in St. Louis. This location is appropriate, as next year will mark the 175th anniversary of the Society in the US, and St. Louise is where it started! To see more pictures of the National Assembly, and to learn more about the national Society, click below!