St. Vincent Center Services
Sharing God’s love by providing aid that supports the underlying needs of the community.
St. Vincent Center
1120 Randlett Street Lancaster, TX 75146
Serving South Dallas in Lancaster
The St. Vincent Center located at 1120 Randlett Street in Lancaster has been created to support the needs for emergency services and systemic change initiatives to benefit neighbors in Lancaster and the surrounding communities in South Dallas.
Our Programs
Neighborhoods of Hope: Neighborhoods of Hope (NOH) is focused on helping neighbors find jobs that provide a living wage so neighbors can support the needs of their families. NOH is focused on helping neighbors eliminate the common roadblocks for employment including resume creation, interview skills, job training, and transportation. By working with other community focused organizations and through innovative employment programs, we are driving positive employment outcomes and reducing overall costs. Having a job is much more than paycheck but also provides dignity and reinforces self-worth.
Education: Current meeting room space at the center can be used for various social education opportunities, such as First Aid CPR, English as a Second Language (ESL), Parenting classes, etc. Additionally, information is available for other campus classroom activities, such as those at Cedar Valley Community College.
SVdP Charitable Pharmacy: Neighbors who don’t have health insurance and live at 300% below the federal poverty level and cannot afford prescription medications may qualify to get prescription medications filled at no cost to combat chronic illnesses. Our intake process helps to ensure qualified individuals get the best in medical care at no cost.
St. Paul Medical Clinic: This not-for-profit clinic provides accessible health care to prevent or treat sickness for people who are in need and cannot otherwise afford medical care. Started by husband and wife doctor couple, Drs. Jeff & Mayra Thompson, the St. Paul Medical Clinic is a separate non-profit organization, operating on our campus. Learn more here.
Mini-Clinic Partnerships: To improve healthy lifestyles, we need to be innovative and connect with people where they are in their neighborhoods and communities. Partnering with the Baylor Scott & White and Parkland Hospital systems, we will provide preventive health care through shots and physicals for school age children, reducing the number of times they are transported to a children’s hospital or forced to use an emergency room as their primary care physician.
Jan Pruitt Pantry: A collaborative partnership between SVdP, Catholic Charities of Dallas and the North Texas Food Bank led to the creation of the Jan Pruitt Pantry. To help close the hunger gap in North Texas, the North Texas Food Bank expanded capacity within their feeding network thanks to funds raised via their capital campaign, Stop Hunger Build Hope. Partnering with SVC to provide the space for the pantry, the North Texas Food Bank helps stock the pantry with food, and Catholic Charities of Dallas manages the operations of the pantry. Last year we provided over one million pounds of food to the hungry in the area.
People and Nutrition (PAN): PAN is a Commodities Supplemental Food Program (CSFP), under the auspices of the North Texas Food Bank, which provides nutritious foods at no cost to eligible participants. Distribution is on the 1st Wednesday of each month at the SVC.
Community Garden: The Community Garden was started by University of North Texas Dallas students enrolled in the Urban Agriculture Community Gardening course. They planted the first rotation of vegetables and herbs at the SVC campus – carrots, radishes, collard greens, spinach, lettuce, cilantro, parsley, chives and rosemary. The vegetables are donated to the adjacent Jan Pruitt Community Pantry.
Emergency Assistance
Hygiene Closet: This service provides donated items that help promote good personal hygiene such as shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toilet paper, diapers and other hygiene items. The closet is stocked with donations from Walmart and Amazon and supplies provided through Hope Supply. As opportunities arise, we provide kits and supplies for the homeless in the area. We also process additional donations for distribution throughout the community based on the type of donations made.
Utility Assistance: This is a community-based program is designed to support low-income families and struggling customers of TXU and Reliant Energy who are faced with financial hardship. The priority is given to those people who are having difficulty making ends meet because of an extreme hardship, such as death in the family, loss of income, or some type of emergency illness or medical condition. The SVC manages the program to provide qualified individuals with the grants to pay their electric bills through TXU and Reliant funds.
Mini Loan Program: The mission of the Mini Loan Program is to empower neighbors to find financial stability and freedom by escaping cycles of debt and building healthy financial skills. Our neighbors find freedom and self-sufficiency by qualifying for our low-interest loans that eliminate predatory lending and free financial coaching workshops.

St. Vincent Center in the News
Watch our news features, featuring our grand re-opening in March 2022!