Sr. Rosalie Rendu, SC was a dynamo in Paris in the first half of the 19th Century. She worked tirelessly to help the poor, with food, clothing and other necessities. She also launched a medical clinic and a pharmacy.
In 1833 when Frederic Ozanam and his friends chose to reach out to the poor in the community, they turned to Sr. Rosalie to mentor them. She taught them that while the things they shared were important, the most important impact they could have was to share themselves with the poor!
Rosalie had a lasting impact on Frederic and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul as it grew. The Home Visit became the hallmark of how the Society worked to help their “neighbors in need.”
Today, the Society is working with Young Catholic Professionals (YCP), both locally and nationally, to offer companionship with the young (21-40 year olds) leaders and opportunities to grow in their commitment to serving the poor in our communities through service opportunities.
In April 2025 The Society of St. Vincent de Paul will be a national sponsor of the YCP National Conference in Frisco.
To make a gift to assist the Society in our efforts to partner with YCP, click here.