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Telemundo Features SVdP’s First College Scholarship Recipient
Last week, a graduate of SVdP's StudyTime program had the opportunity to share his story with reporter Analia. Jose is the very first student to receive a scholarship from SVdP to attend college. He just completed his first semester at Texas Tech. Scroll down for a...

Farewell, StudyTime Seniors!
Four years ago, four graduates of the K-8 StudyTime program received a scholarship from the Jane Bosart foundation to attend a local private high school. Their Senior Farewell reception was hosted in person last week at the Dallas StudyTime location. All four are...

SVdP Pharmacy Expands Service Qualifications
Yesterday, St. Vincent de Paul Pharmacy was featured on CBS 11 news, highlighting a recent expansion of the qualifications for service, drastically increasing the number of uninsured Texans who can receive prescription medication. Since March 2018, St. Vincent de Paul...