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NBC DFW Feature Story: How We Help Neighbors During The Winter Storm
Luis Gonzalez, CEO of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul North Texas, joins NBC 5 to discuss the efforts underway to provide warning shelters for neighbors in need. Watch the full story here:

Luis Gonzalez Appointed New CEO of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul North Texas
DALLAS, TEXAS – January 10, 2022 | The Board of Directors of The Society of St. Vincent de Paul of North Texas is pleased to announce Luis Gonzalez the new CEO of the organization. Gonzalez has been chosen as the next leader who will guide the Society during a time of...
Fall Fashion Finds at SVdP Thrift Stores
WFAA visited SVdP Thrift Stores to share more about the stores' mission and showcase some amazing finds for a new-to-you fall wardrobe! You can learn more about SVdP Thrift Stores here.