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SVdP Pharmacy Targets High Blood Pressure
SVdP Pharmacy earns national recognition for commitment to improve high blood pressure The American Heart Association and the American Medical Association announce the 2019 list of physician practices and health systems receiving a Target: BP™ Recognition Award for...

SVdP’s Annual National Assembly: Vincentians Moving Mountains
DENVER - Each Fall, members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul gather from all over the country for fellowship, workshops and spiritual revival as they celebrate the work and mission of the Society. This year's National Assembly in Denver included a rejuvenating...

Newly Released: 2018 Annual Report
After 60 years in North Texas, much about the Society of St. Vincent de Paul remains the same. And yet, much has changed. Members of the Society have tirelessly served our neighbors in need, and 2018 saw much growth in our capacity to serve more people, in more ways...