The word “renewal” is defined as “a transformation of the way a person thinks and lives, which can be achieved through the power of the Holy Spirit as we reflect on God’s word”.
Think about that – a transformation of the way we live, achieved through reflection on God’s movement within us.
Last week I had the privilege and blessing of attending the Invitation For Renewal retreat sponsored by the National Council, joining with 20 other servant leaders from around the country to be renewed. To be honest, I didn’t think I needed a renewal since I have only been a part of the Society for less than two years. My intent behind going was to learn more about the Vincentian charism and spirituality and engage with other Vincentian leaders. The Good Lord had other plans and I am grateful for that.
After listening to and engaging with Vincentians from around the country who have been a part of the Society for 5, 10, 20, 25 years, I am in awe of and humbled by what we do. Five days together led to deep reflection and sharing of what it means to be a Vincentian, the beautiful grace that we are anointed with in our desire to serve Christ by serving those most in need. The roots of the Society going beyond Blessed Frederic Ozanam to St. Vincent de Paul and St. Louise de Marillac are inspiring, the formation of our Rule and the structure of the Society creating a model that enables us to do what we do and be who we are. Our Society is an invitation to serve our brothers and sisters in need, an invitation to model Christ in the world and breathe hope into a world in need of light.
Yes, I was renewed. Renewed in my respect and admiration of all of you, honored to be a part of the amazing work and charism that we bring to North Texas. Renewed in my dedication to serving you as Vincentians and – by extension – serving our brothers and sister in need. Renewed in my gratitude for being blessed to be a Vincentian.
As part of that renewal, beginning next week we will include a small nugget from The Rule in our One Minute Update, connecting us back to what we do and why. There is much wisdom and inspiration to gain from reflecting upon The Rule that defines our charism.
Thank you for all you do, for responding to His invitation, and for allowing yourselves to be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.

In Christ,
Luis Gonzalez, CEO