South Central Regional Assembly

South Central Regional Assembly This year's South Central Regional gathering will take place in Oklahoma City, OK. Join Vincentians from neighboring states for several days of formation, fellowship and fun! Event Details to be announced.

Vincentian Retreat

Vincentian Retreat Theme to be announced! A light breakfast will be provided for all attendees RSVP Online - Deadline is Monday, October 19, 2020Questions about the event? Email Cindy at

Ozanam Orientation

To Be Announced

Ozanam Orientation Ozanam Orientation is where your Vincentian journey begins and is renewed. New members are required to attend this overview into the “who we are and what we are all about” within the first year of joining the Society. All members are invited to attend at least once every 3 years after their initial […]

Feast Day: St. Catherine Laboure

Feast Day: St. Catherine Laboure St. Catherine Laboure was born May 2, 1806 in Fain-les-Moutiers, France. When she was nine years old, her mother died and she looked to the Blessed Virgin Mary to be her mother. She entered the Daughters of Charity on April 21, 1830. While Catherine was still a novice, the Virgin Mary […]

Formator Training Summer 2021

St. Rita Catholic Church - The Commons 12521 Inwood Rd, Dallas, TX, United States

St. Rita Catholic CommunityThe Commons12521 Inwood Rd,Dallas, TX 75244 Friday, July 30: Training8:00AM to 5:00PM,Saturday, July 31: Training8:00AM to 5:00PM, And Sunday, August 1: Follow-Up Training and Feedback12:00PM to 2:00PM RSVP at the link below by Monday, July 19.  Breakfast and lunch will be provided for attendees Friday and Saturday, and snacks Sunday.Questions about the event? Contact Cindy Estrada: 

Ozanam Orientation Summer 2021

St. Rita Catholic Church - The Commons 12521 Inwood Rd, Dallas, TX, United States

St. Rita Catholic CommunityThe Commons12521 Inwood Rd,Dallas, TX 75244 Saturday, July 31st9:00AM to 3:00PMRegistration begins at 8:00AM Required training for all new members as an introduction to “who we are and what we are all about”.  Attendance is encouraged for the spiritual renewal of all current members, especially by those who have never attended or […]

Friends of the Poor Walk

SVdP Thrift STores 3052 W Northwest Hwy, Dallas, Texas

St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store of Dallas 3052 W Northwest Hwy Dallas, TX 75220 Walk Starts at 9:00AM

Vincentian Retreat

All Saints Catholic School Chapel 7777 Osage Plaza Pkwy, Dallas, TN, United States

Growing in Vincentian Spirituality: Seeing the Face of Jesus in the People Asking for Help St. Vincent de Paul says: “In serving the poor, we serve Jesus Christ.” Part 1, Paragraph 1.8 of the Rule of the Society says, “In the poor, see the suffering Christ.” Join fellow SVdP members as we explore more deeply not […]

Safe Environment Training

Details and Information: Date: Saturday, October 30  Time: 10:00AM - 12:00PM Location: Holy Trinity Center3826 Gilbert AveDallas, TX 75219  The Holy Trinity Center is the modern building located behind the Holy Trinity Catholic Church. Enter through the double glass doors across the accessible parking spots and take the stairs or elevator to Level 2. The Training will be […]
