Ozanam Orientation

St. Francis of Assisi- Fr. Tim Gollob Building, Main Hall 1537 Rodgers Ave, Lancaster, United States

Ozanam Orientation is where your Vincentian journey begins and is renewed. New members are required to attend this overview into the “who we are and what we are all about” within the first year of joining the Society. All members are invited to attend at least once every 3 years after their initial session so […]

Morning Reflection with Fr. Rex and Fr. Tom

Holy Trinity - Trinity Hall 3811 Oak Lawn Avenue, Dallas, TX, United States

Come away to pray, reflect, discern together our Vincentian call to become advocates with a Vincentian heart. Please join us for a morning of apostolic reflection led by Fr. Rex Hays and Fr. Tom Stehlik, visiting priests of the Congregation of the Mission from New Orleans, and Sister Consuelo Tovar, Daughter of Charity from the […]

Home Visit Workshop

Holy Trinity - Trinity Hall 3811 Oak Lawn Avenue, Dallas, TX, United States

The Spirituality of the Home Visit Since Blessed Frederic founded the Society saying “let us go to the poor,” the home visit has been the heart of our ministry. Drawing on the spiritual teaching of Blessed Frederic and St. Vincent, we will study the home visit as a core component of our own path to […]
