Luis Gonzalez, CEO of Society of St. Vincent de Paul North Texas
DALLAS, TEXAS – January 10, 2022 | The Board of Directors of The Society of St. Vincent de Paul of North Texas is pleased to announce Luis Gonzalez the new CEO of the organization. Gonzalez has been chosen as the next leader who will guide the Society during a time of exponential growth in many of their programs, including the St. Vincent de Paul Pharmacy, StudyTime, the Mini Loan Program, and the St. Vincent Center.
“2022 promises to be a year filled with growth and new opportunities, and I am thrilled to be a part of the expansion happening at the Society,” said Gonzalez. “The Vincentian spirit aligns closely with my personal mission, and leading our dynamic programs, the Society will continue to play a key role in improving the quality of life in North Texas.”
Prior to joining the Society, Luis served as the Vice President of Service Delivery at Hudson Advisors LP, and previously served as Director of Data Center Operations at Horace Mann Insurance. He also has almost 25 years of experience at Allstate Insurance, after graduating with an MBA from the University of Dallas and a bachelor’s from Southern Methodist University. Luis comes with a deep network of relationships throughout North Texas and carries the leadership qualities necessary to take the Society to the next level.
“Luis as the new CEO, has the caliber, expertise and experience to further the mission and programs of the Society,” said Interim CEO and Board of Directors President Sean Myers. “We look forward to working towards the expansion of our programs, and with Luis at the helm we can continue to serve over 60,000 North Texans with material and spiritual support.”
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul of North Texas provides emergency assistance to people in need in the forms of rent, utilities, food, clothing, furnishings, and medications. In addition, the Society provides systemic change programs that address after-school education, low interest loans to combat predatory lending, employment opportunities, and free medications to uninsured, low-income families.